Friday 16 March 2007

Belated Blog: Midnight Muse

This should have been one of my very first blog, but it's self explanatory. Cheers.

2 May 06, 6:07am


All the night feedings of Max and Micah's talking and crying in his dreams normally leave me awake for a few hours either in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning... and I actually have a lot of time to think and muse... or just play the PSP... so this is a pre-blog. You know how techie I am... So while waiting for my busy husband to help me set up a blog site...this is how it's gonna come dished out to you. *grin*

I had just mopped the 5 am. Yeah, a lot of chores get done in the middle of the night when the boys are asleep. Actually it was not on my to-do list...Ok, it was on the to-do list, but not for tonight. Still, I am glad it got done. What happened was while making milk for Micah I knocked over the 2oz of expressed milk meant for him... So, no point crying over spill milk, literally, just got to get down on your knees and clean up the mess... Literally too. Mopping with the mop would mean knocking into the furniture, so, suddenly I looked like Cinderella: a bucket and a rag-cloth and on all fours. I am glad I just need to do our room... its hard to clean up a mess... Harder even when it is not made by you...

There was one night Micah threw up in bed. So right in the middle of the night we had to change the bedsheets in the midst of his wailing... and puke is the hardest mess the to poo... Well, puke is harder for me. Can't stand the sour gastric juice reek. Anyway, when you are the parent it's your responsibility to clean up after your own kid. No one else is gonna do it for you... So while I held Micah over the toilet bowl and try to calm him down so that he won't wake Max up, Mike changed the bedsheets and gave the mattress a wipe down. God bless the soul who invented the mattress protector. It really helps. Well, that's when I thought..we too made a big mess, mankind, that is, and our Heavenly Father had to do the clean up for us. So God humbly came in the form of a man and paid the price for our sin on the cross. That was my Easter reflection actually and it stayed with me for the 2 weeks prior to Easter.

Now I am off to do the laundry, then come back and see if Max needs another feed and maybe catch some 40 winks....

Ta ta..

luv, kin.