I am so no good at change.
I am so happy with my happy routines of hanging out with my kids and my family, doing the same ole, same ole.
My kind of happy
unhappening day....
Now I am struggling.
Mental preoccupation would be scenes of all sorts of what-if's:
How to get to school with 3 boys, baby in tow, before we get our car?
What to cook for breakfast everyday? Dinner? Lunch could be simple...
How much time should I spend with my sister and her kids before we hit "familiarity breeds contempt"?
How much mess can I cope with on a daily basis if the boys are left with less adult supervision (while I attend to the baby)?
How often can I take them out on my own... will I be brave enough even just to go down to the park near our block without yelling at them to stay close to me...and have no accidents.
Will I still have time and energy left to blog?
Doctor for the kids and ourselves?
Then there's the packing...
(I'll spare you...)
Then there are certain issues with the government, i.e. getting a change/transfer of driving license, green card, etc.
I am afraid to start packing because I feel like if I were to start putting things in boxes, I will still have to fish some things out before the move...
making a list mentally...
But will be more certain after we check out the place for real this coming trip.
Official move, when gadget-daddy rents a car/van to transport the stuff:
After Christmas.
Mean time we'll be doing a bit of a shuttling up and down the highway, and across the Causeway.