Our new place has rooms for everyone, including guests, and the kitchen is big enough for us to take our meals in.
Our place is nicely furnished and we didn't need to buy a stick of furniture, except for a couple of fans as the boys can't take the air-con blowing through the night.
I really like our neighbourhood. Not too busy, and everything necessary is within an easy walk.
We have a home.
We have a car!! It's really a piece of peace-of-mind for moving about with 3 boys everyday. I drive them and my sister and her kids Mon-Fri, to school and back, and Gadget-daddy does all the other night and weekend outings.
I am renewing my cooking skills which were left asleep in some lost shelves of high-school days.
I can hang out with my older sister Mon-Fri while the older kids are in school.
The kids are left on their own while I'm cooking (and I only do breakfast and dinner). Sometimes I get Myron to sit on the highchair with a few biscuits while I cook dinner, but that means spoiling some of his dinner.
I really feel the loss of my quality time spent with the boys, now being crowded by chores and more chores.
I can tell my boys are bored/ lack of adult attention, because they love coming into the kitchen and driving me crazy there with their constant opening and closing of doors (fridge, microwave oven, cupboards), and fighting over everything (who's first, whose more, I-can-you-cannot), and baby Myron seems to have so little of my time compared to the two older ones when they were his age. :(
Doing Chinese homework. It especially drives Micah and I crazy.
Not stress... but I miss the old familiarities of hanging out with my other sister, having our morning routines in KL and also staking out at my mom's place whenever I needed a safe place for the boys to play while I chat with my mom.