Monday 16 April 2007

Packing for a Trip

I am one of those people who tends to do things right up to the last minute. Actually the action comes last minute but I actually spend a lot of time mulling over my course of action before you actually see anything happening. Some people call this incubating or ingestation period. Of course that is very useful when you need to write a thesis or a lesson. But I tend to be in that modus operandi even with chores.

We were suppose to be in Singapore this week to visit my sister before her second baby comes at the end of the month. We thought we could make an extra trip to spend more time with her and her little girl before the addition of a baby boy. My mom, younger sis were going to make the trip with us, me and the two boys, and we were going to take a 6 hour bus ride. Then my younger sis caught a cold. Then both my boys started to have the running nose so we decided it would be best to stay back. Anyway, I had started packing for the trip in my mind 4 days ago:

For the boys: pajamas and diapers covered. Toiletries covered.

- 6 pairs of clothes each for going out. Extra shorts for Micah in case of toilet accidents.
- 4 pairs of socks.
- 5 bibs.
- Micah's milk bottles - 2 x 8oz, 1 x 5oz.
- Micah's milk powder.
- Stroller??
- ....

As I ran through how much I had to carry, the cloud brooding over my head was the journey:

What to carry up with us on the bus (as oppose to leaving it in the luggage compartment):
How much water and milk powder to carry up to the bus?
What kind of snack and how much?
A sarong/towel in case it gets too cold?
How shall I carry our travel documents?

A must have:
My handphone.
My wallet.
My Singapore purse (holds some important numbers and a Singapore public phone card along with some Singapore dollars and coins)
An extra change of clothes for both boys.
Diapers and wet wipes.
Toys and Books!!

It felt like I was physically carrying a bundle on my head. Every time I thought of the trip I would be excited but at the same time my head would be spinning and I would feel like I was wearing a metal helmet that was a size too small. And I would be running over the lists again and again and the same concerns kept popping up:

How much toys? How to carry them? Which bag for toys... and books?
How much milk? How to carry? What if there isn't enough in my hand carry for the journey?

At the end, no actual packing was done. We are not going this week. The boys are not well.

We are making a trip at the end of the month with Mike. He will be driving down. It will be a lot less stressful. We can carry as much as we need and can make as many stops as we want. I am a little more calm now, not as frazzled...

The list still runs in my head though. Now I also have to look into:
How many shirts and pants and briefs for Mike.
His toiletries and
Snacks for the driver.

Must remember to take the maps...

A little cloud is brooding.....

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