Normally by Wednesday I will feel like the week days are almost done. So if it's Thursday, I can already see the weekend.The days just flew by this week. There are times like these that I'll just have to sit down and try to recall, "What happened?"
We went to church and amazingly we stayed till the end of service without rushing the boys off (which happens quite often - when they are tired, restless or cranky) and we managed to even do lunch with some friends, Mummy-Yeoh and family and another guy. I really miss talking to other adults, even if it's just talking about the kids. But it was also funny talking to another adult who does not seem to want to have all the "troublesome" tags that come with a kid.
He's worried about
"Not getting to watch a movie/movies in the cinema" (watching the kids discover and play is even more interesting and exciting and rewarding than a movie. This is a movie LIVE!!);
"Not getting to go out with friends and hang out with them in his leisure" (What is leisure but when you have empty gaps to fill you life with something meaningful. What could be more meaningful than time with your baby?);
"Can't hang out with friends" (you will find true friends who will try to spend time with you still, even just to call or e-mail, and
"Gotta do all the troublesome things like putting them to sleep/nap, change diapers, etc. (well, this is why you are the parent: To give basic care and nurture plus all other needs).
Daddy is a title that comes with a whole list of responsibility you can't begin to quantify.
We went to playgroup and we all had fun. As usual when we were going Micah said he just wants to stay home and play with his toys/watch TV, but when it was time to leave playgroup, he had to be chased and caught and carried to the door to put his shoes on and say good-bye.
Had a quick chat with a friend cum former colleague in the morning before the boys woke up. That was a good start to a good day. We visited Beth and played in her house till after lunch. Micah became insistent on having a bulldozer (he had one when he was bout 1+, which had been broken and thrown away, but now is asking for it again!), so while he napped, i went out to hunt for a bulldozer, and ended up buying 2 sets of vehicles, 2 sets of puzzles (plagued by the need to be fair to Max who is not yet as demanding for toys) and a new Thomas and friends CD.
Met my mum in town and we bought bus tickets for Singapore this Saturday - she and I and the 2 boys. It will be Max's maiden trip on a bus (he's never been on a bus at all!) and it'll be Micah's second trip, but he has no recollection of his first trip when he was about 1+ (while I was about 4 months carrying Max). Mike will come get us next weekend, so we will have like 9 days there! That will be a good break for grandma here and more exercise for Ah Ma.
Daddy got home unexpectedly "early" - he was suppose to have an appointment but that was canceled, so he was home for dinner. So I got him to take me out to do some shopping. ;)
Well, since the day has just begun, I hope to run some errands before going off for the next week. Maybe try to see a friend who had her second baby a few months ago (time flies!) or call on a friend who is expecting her 3rd baby Anytime Now! Then must pack for the trip and get a few baby gifts ready...There's a nagging sense at the back of my mind. I think there's something I'm suppose to do, but I just can't remember right now...
Micah and Max have a birthday party to attend. It'll be at playgroup. Have got the presents ready.
Must make sure everything's in order for our trip. Packing for a trip is always a headache, especially sine we are not driving... I am always worried about not bringing enough and I don't want to over pack: clothes, swimming gears, diapers, Micah's milk, toys and snacks for the 5hr journey... double check our documents and money.
Saturday morning:
Get the boys up and ready to leave about 9am. Pick my mum and take her for breakfast with us before our long journey. Our journey begins at 10.30am.
Singapore, Tua Ee, Tua Teowgn, Xue Bin, Xue Han: Here we come!!
Have a good trip, Kin!
Thanks, Infant.
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