"Change the batteries! Change the batteries!" Wailed Micah. His new toy was not functioning as it should, but it was not a battery problem. It was mechanical.
Earlier Micah got a new toy: It's Thumper, a new addition to his collection of Thomas and Friends trains. Thumper is not a train, but a new character in this series, so he was totally captivated by it when his grandma took him to Toys'R'Us when playgroup ended. I had stayed behind to talk to a few of the mommies that were there and all of them were marveling and cheering for Max (yes, he is walking quite a few steps now!!). I had parked the car at Bangsar Village because traffic was just crazy due to a few city hall officers walking around the blocks with their summons-book in hand. So when went back to BV, Micah insisted that he wanted to see Thomas before going off. Grandma gave no heads-up as to what would happen.
At BV, Micah raced to the Thomas section.
Mic: Mummy, look! It's Thumper! It's Thumper!
Me: Oh..? so it is... (Looking at what this new character is about. Thumper works at the quarry, has caterpillers like Terence).
Mic: Do you have money, Mummy? Do you have money?
Me : No, darling. I'm sorry. We'll come back tomorrow with Daddy, ok? (No money for toys right now, that is. Besides I thought he has enough Thomas and Friends toys already.)
Mic: Do you have money, Mummy? Do you have money?
Me: No, baby. I'm sorry. We'll ask Daddy, ok?
Mic: Mummy, I want Thumper.. I want Thumper... (starting to sound really desperate.)
Me: Micah, we will come back tomorrow with Daddy, ok? (This is in all honesty because Mike was going to a meeting in Bangsar Lutheran Church.)
Micah suddenly saw another train set (Greenline Express, or something like that). Distracted...for now. I told my ma-i-l that I wanted to look at some baby stuff so I walked to the end of the store. I wanted Micah to learn to wait for good things. Very often we give no second thoughts to letting him have instant gratification. After looking around the store I walked back to the train section but could not find any of my family. This time Mummy got lost. "Micah. Micah..." No response. Then I heard Micah's voice in a distance. I walked towards the front of the store and just before I reached the cashier, Micah met me with a Toys'R'Us plastic bag in his hand. Grandma paid. I sighed, and we left for home. Usually Micah would sleep on the journey home after our morning outings, but today he made himself stay up so that he could play with Thumper when we get back.
After two rounds of pushing Thumper around, the spring broke. We did not notice this till later in the evening when he woke up from a late nap and started to cry because Thumper was not working. "Fix it! Fix it!" he cried, and I, as usual, trying to mind his manners, "Micah, please ask properly."
"Mummy, can you please fix it?" He whimpered, swallowing his cries.
I examined the thing and had to break the bad news to him. "Sorry, sweety. It's broken. We will have to go back to morrow and change it, ok?"
"Change the batteries! Change the batteries!" Wailed Micah.
"It's not a battery problem. There's no battery in this."
"Just change the battery, Mummy!!" Micah seems to have a hearing blockage.
So Daddy asked Mummy, "Shall we go back now?" We looked at the clock. It's 8.30pm and we had not quite finished dinner. We decided we will try. So we rushed to push the food down our throat. Daddy went up to get a quick splash and change. Mummy, with the help of arguing grandparents, packed the milk stuff, gave Max his cough syrup, changed the boys and made sure Thumper and the receipt got into the bag. It was 9.03pm on the car's clock by the time we hit the Connaught highway. Just before we hit the toll booth Max was fast asleep in his car seat. We debated on which was the best way to BV at this hour of the night as we passed the Taman Desa exit. Driver makes the call, so we took the Kerinchi turn off and went past Pantai Hospital (I would have taken the Midvalley way). By the time we pulled out at the drop-off lane behind BV, I noted: 9.28pm. I prayed that the shop had not closed yet. Most shops in BSC closes bout 9pm. I was not familiar with BV. "Come Micah. Hurry up." I picked him up from his car seat, carried him in one arm and grabbed Thumper in my other hand. I let Micah down as we got onto the escalator. We ran to Toys'R'us. We made it. Micah got a proper working Thumper now.
All the time when we were preparing to go out I actually thought it was a lost cause. I really did not think we would make it before the shop closes and was thinking what else we could do since we are all out already. If this had happened at my time as a child, I think my dad would have insisted we go the next day and I would have wailed the night. Micah has very dotting parents. He is much loved.