Wednesday, 25 July 2007

New Bugs on the Blog

The Ladybirds are out!

We missed them coming out of the cocoon. Too bad.
I checked them last night before I went to bed about 12am, and still no signs of any movement. Then when I remembered to check later in the morning, about 10am, I was shocked to see the cocoons have shriveled. My first thought was, "Oh, no. Did something go wrong?" Then upon a closer examination I noticed they were empty. Then I saw the 2 pinkish ladybugs near the rim of the jar. They were still there.

Micah was delighted!
"Let them go, Micah. They need to find food."
"But I want them..." Micah moaned.

-Lengthy discussion and more moaning -
- 2 boys fighting over whose turn to hold the jar - ready to go our to the Science Center -

On the way back from the Science Center both the boys fell asleep.
I was surprised to find the ladybugs still in the jar. It was not covered. So I decided to give the bugs a break and send them off into the bushes while the boys were still asleep. We may have to look for more bug's grubs...


Ann said...

Haha....I was waiting for an update on this item as well!

Can quite understand your boys wanting to keep them! Maybe they are responsible enough to have a pet? (But that is highly dependent on your availability of free time as well..just in case!)

Moomykin said...

We have pets. a black lab mix, an aquarium of fishes, a terapin and we feed the stray cats in our back lane. Micah was asking for a rabbit, bit it's really a lot of work already... for the grandparents! :P

Ann said...

Oppss....yeah, I think enough for them to handle! :)

Therealpepperboy said...

They are so cute!!! And they've grown up so much already! Waaahhhh, I can't wait to come home and see them again. Haha, I like your stories, especially the video where Max was burping away. hahhaha. Can I link you to my blog?