We went for our monthly check up this morning.
Both the boys came along. They either entertained or annoyed the few people in the small crowded waiting area. Some people were waiting in the corridors instead of the Doctor's small suite at the hospital.
We went in, reintroduced both the boys to the doctor who had not seen them since the time he pulled them out of Mommy's womb.
So, this little one that's coming is now 19 weeks and 4 days.
Expected due date: 11 march 2009.
Then the most awaited time for all: Ultra Sound Scanning time.
Both boys were a little restless as they could not quite make out what's on the screen, but Mommy had a string of questions for the Doc.
3D scan?
No need for 3D. The 2D is the only one you can see the structures and organs, etc. 3D sees mostly surface, like if you want to see the features. That's not so important. The 2D can already see if there is a cleft lip, and that all the bones are developing properly. Also can see all the organs functioning well.
Checked for the thickness of the neck?
Looks normal, 2mm. Right for the size/ term.
Good news*.
- This he had to take a while to look as the baby was a little shy at first, kept the legs together.
- Ahh... I thought of so many friends, and my sister who have told me they are saving their girls' dresses for us...
- Even some have said a girl would be a good balance for the boys...
- Oh, and Jlow, remember the talk about plaiting your daughter's hair (sorry, which post was that again)?
- "If it's a girl she's going to rule the whole house," so my mum had declared.
- All the cravings for cakes, fruit cake, fruits, salads....
- And then we finally managed to see "it".
- The doctor's words: " You see this? This is "it".
"So it going to be a ...
"So another one like these," he said, smiling, pointing at my two cheeky restless monkeys.
Well, we are just so glad it's going to be baby that's healthy and whole.
So, too bad, no playing dress-up/doll-up for Mommy. No plaiting hair for Daddy...
Easy for me to just keep my boys' clothes for another one... No need to buy "new" sets of toys. :)
Just so glad the baby's well.
So so glad.
* On the last check up, we did a blood test. The doctors' office called us back for a review, and we knew it was going to be "bad news". We were told this baby was in the "high-risk" side of Down Syndrome but the results were not conclusive. To be certain, you do an amniotic fluid test. There were risks involved, and the reason why people take the test/risks is that if it's a positive for Down's, they will plan for a termination - more crudely, abortion.
We decided not to take the amniotic fluid test. Prayed that all will be well. Worried and prayed ever so much harder. Told only a handful of people as we did not want news to reach the grandparents, not wanting them to be "anxious over nothing". So Thank God it is ok - confirmed by measuring the thickness of the fetus' neck.